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Here at Growing Well we are committed to protecting your privacy and maintaining the security of any private information you provide. We comply with GDPR legislation and want you to feel sure that you understand how we hold or process your data and what rights you have. If you have any questions about privacy on our website please contact us.


By using this site, you accept the terms of our privacy policy. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not use this site.

You don’t need to provide any personal information for general access to this website. And we never share any personal information with any third parties for marketing purposes or without your express written consent. But certain services and features do involve personal information such as your name and e-mail address. For example, we will collect both when you contact us via our Contact form – they are only used to progress your enquiry or request.

If you make a purchase from our website store we do not store card details or share your details with any third parties, unless they are a necessary part of the transaction (ie sharing your name and address with a courier firm for delivery).

We do link out to other websites from this website. Their privacy policy may not be the same as ours, so please check that you are happy with their data approach before using the site.

We do collect general, statistical, non-personal information about the use of this site, such as how many visitors visit a particular page, or which browsers are being used to view the site. We collect this information via technologies such as cookies and IP addresses. This data helps us to understand how our site is performing and to make improvements. It does not personally identify you or any other users of this site.

Like most websites, our site also uses cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to an individual’s hard drive for record keeping purposes. Cookies are used to simplify functions on our site and can be linked to personal information. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. Please be aware, however, that some features of this site may not function or may be slower if you refuse cookies. By using this site, you are deemed to accept the use of cookies. If you do not consent to this, please do not use our site.


We keep specific data so that we can provide you with the best support and advice possible. We also need to provide some data to our funders for transparency. The type of data we record includes your contact details, more sensitive information about you such as NI number, DOB, medical history, mental health notes and other personal details. These personal
details will only ever be shared with another organisation if you have given your explicit signed consent.
Personal information is kept electronically and in hard copy files in a locked cupboard on the premises. After 3 years we will shred inactive handwritten records and archive electronic ones.


For the purposes of GiftAid, we record your name, address and postcode and the amount received. This
information is stored electronically. We never share your personal details with any other organisation and will only contact you to say thank you or to send further news of our work and fundraising campaigns if you have opted in during the giving process. For those making donations via standing orders, your bank details are not held by us.
We retain this information for 7 years after which we shred handwritten records and delete electronic ones.


We record your name, address and postcode, and email. This information is stored electronically. We never share your personal details with any other organisation and will only contact you to send further news of our work and fundraising campaigns if you have opted in. For card payments, direct debits and standing orders, your card and bank details are not held by us.
We retain your information for 7 years after which we shred handwritten records and delete electronic ones.


We keep information you give to us during your initial induction for the purposes of keeping you up to date on training, changes to policies, upcoming events and ways to help at Growing Well. We also make notes electronically about your roles and skills, offers of help etc. We never share your personal details with any other organisation except with your express consent.
Personal information is kept electronically and any hardcopy files are secured in a locked cabinet.
After 3 years we will shred inactive hardcopy records and delete electronic ones, but will archive your name and a
summary of your role with us for funding reports.


As regards any data which we hold about you, you have the right:
To be informed – to know and understand where and how your data is kept and why
Of access to your records – without delay and within one month
Of rectification – to fix anything inaccurate in your data
To erasure – to ask to have deleted any records you no longer wish us to hold (we may need to keep some of it
for our own transparency, e.g. Charity Commission
To restrict processing – to ask for your data to be used for only the purposes you specify


We reserve the right to disclose user information when required to do so by law or when we have reason to believe that the disclosure of such information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) our rights or property, other users or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities.

We reserve the right to change the terms of this policy at any time and will not specifically notify you of any changes. With this in mind, we recommend that you periodically check the policy for any changes.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss of, misuse of or unauthorised access to data. We take this responsibility very seriously and make every effort to ensure your personal information is secure. However, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% safe. With this in mind, whilst Growing Well strive to protect your personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose or transmit to us online and cannot be responsible for its theft, disclosure or subsequent misuse.