Alice’s Story

Alice has been a volunteer at Growing Well Tebay since October 2023. She’s happy to share her struggles with mental illness, the impact it has had on her life and what it is that helps her as “being open and honest about mental ill health is important in removing the stigma and helping others get the support they need.”

Since attending Growing Well, she finds the day on-site gives her an invaluable sense of purpose, “I love the sense of community and belonging, working alongside other people who I know are having similar struggles really helps. I leave at the end of each day proud of what I have achieved and what we have achieved as a group.”

Alice’s housing officer recommended Growing Well, suggesting participation in a regular, structured activity would be beneficial for her mental health.

“Having access to the minibus [free transport service] is really helpful, and the days are already planned-out in advance by the staff.”

“We start the day with a brew and discussing the activities for the day with the other volunteers and the staff. The variety of activities is really good as I can adapt around what I feel I can manage on any set day.”

“We have breaks through the day which is a great opportunity to meet the other volunteers and chat with the staff. I have a one-to-one meeting every six weeks with the mental health support co-ordinator which allows me the chance to set short-term and long-term goals that I want to achieve during my time at Growing Well.”

Alice has been a keen lake swimmer for the last 10 years and finds it very beneficial for her mental health, so a swim seemed like the perfect challenge for her to set herself and use as a way to raise funds and awareness for Growing Well as part of the ’20 for 20′ campaign in 2024.

Alice has set herself the challenge of completing an epic 1500 metre swim in Ullswater on 1st of June, and walking 20 miles in the month of June.

As someone who suffers from hypermobility and the physical difficulties it brings, she has decided to challenge herself with walking this distance in a series of shorter stages, and her children are joining her too. “It’s been great for them to understand why mummy goes to Growing Well, where and what it is. Now they’re getting involved too and really enjoying it.”

To sponsor Alice and help her raise vital funds for Growing Well you can go to her Just Giving page here: